Helena Deland
Someone New is an exploration of gender, power, time and the “self” that finds Helena Deland in full control of her sound and style, even as she asks whether control is ever possible. The album was written and recorded over a period of two years, beginning with Deland’s guitar and expanding into a lavish sonic sphere that blends elements of synth pop and classic folk. Deland’s voice ties it all together, sometimes hushed in a whisper, sometimes shrouded in distortion, and sometimes full and clear – but always inviting the listener into her world.
Nycholas Fortin | nycholasfortin@chivichivi.com
US: Catherine Herrick | catherine@motormouthmedia.com
MX: Malfi Dorantes | malfi@malfi.co
US: Karl Morse | kmorse@paradigmagency.com
EU: Nikita Lavrinenko | nikita@paperandironbooking.com
CA: Michael Bardier | michael@heavy-trip.com